We know the importance of God's Word to the life of believers. It is the lamp to our feet and the light to our path. It is a means through which the Holy Spirit sanctifies and reveals God's truth to us. In order to encourage the congregation, Pastor Matt is recommending this "Read Through The Bible in a Year" plan. The daily readings can be completed in about 20 minutes per day, or you can listen to the selection on audiobook while driving, folding laundry, cooking dinner, or as a family worship time. The goal is that we as a body will read God's Word together each day and encourage one another with the things we see and learn each week.
Our Sunday School Class for this fall is on the book What On Earth is God Doing? by Renald E. Showers. Here are the lessons for those who would like to download a copy for study at home. ![]()
The Holy Spirit by Arthur Pink is an excellent resource regarding the person and work of this often misunderstood member of the Godhead. Our Sunday School class on "The Holy Spirit" makes use of this book, which is available online at Chapel Library. The book is available for free download or you can purchase a physical copy. Below are the notes from our Sunday School class discussion. These are available to assist in review, it is our prayer that the Lord would bless our study of His Word and His attributes. ![]()