Our Doctrine and Distinctives
Our Doctrine
We are a reformed Baptist church, although not affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, We believe and teach the doctrines of grace and the sovereignty of God in salvation. While we are Reformed in our soteriology, we are Pre-millennial and Pre-tribulational in our eschatology. (see our Doctrinal Statement for details).
We believe and teach the five “solas” - sola scriptura (the Scripture alone), soli deo gloria (for the glory of God alone), sola Christou (by Christ’s work alone), sola fide (by faith alone), and sola gratia (by grace alone).
I. Preamble
II. The Bible
III,. God
IV. Man
V. Salvation
VI. The Church
VII. Angels
VIII. Last Things
IX. What It Means to Be a Christian
Our Worship
We practice the verse-by-verse exposition of God's word, studying the selected book in its entirety before moving to the next.
We worship with a combination of traditional hymns and contemporary praise music. Our goal in choosing the music we sing is that it be God-exalting in worship, theology, and doctrine.
We practice and encourage “family integrated worship.” This means that we encourage families to keep their children with them in Sunday School and the worship service. For those families with infants or toddlers who desire, a "quiet room" is available with “closed circuit” video feed of the worship service
Our Leadership
We practice Elder-leadership. Our church is led by a plurality of Elders and assisted by a board of Deacons.
Our Fellowship
We believe that Christian fellowship, centered upon God's word, is a critical aspect of a vibrant, healthy church body.
We have designated the first Sunday of each month to observe the ordinance of Communion during the worship service.
Our Teaching Ministries
We have various fellowship groups which meet for study on Friday nights that study a variety of subjects.
Our Sunday school classes meet at 9:45 a.m. We may be covering different subjects or a single subject. Our classes range from scriptural studies, to church history, to various reformed books. The class is typically given study questions each week, depending on the subject, from which we gather and discuss during Sunday school. Our study questions involve detailed word studies, answering interpretive questions and an application of the week's text.
We are a reformed Baptist church, although not affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, We believe and teach the doctrines of grace and the sovereignty of God in salvation. While we are Reformed in our soteriology, we are Pre-millennial and Pre-tribulational in our eschatology. (see our Doctrinal Statement for details).
We believe and teach the five “solas” - sola scriptura (the Scripture alone), soli deo gloria (for the glory of God alone), sola Christou (by Christ’s work alone), sola fide (by faith alone), and sola gratia (by grace alone).
I. Preamble
II. The Bible
III,. God
IV. Man
V. Salvation
VI. The Church
VII. Angels
VIII. Last Things
IX. What It Means to Be a Christian
Our Worship
We practice the verse-by-verse exposition of God's word, studying the selected book in its entirety before moving to the next.
We worship with a combination of traditional hymns and contemporary praise music. Our goal in choosing the music we sing is that it be God-exalting in worship, theology, and doctrine.
We practice and encourage “family integrated worship.” This means that we encourage families to keep their children with them in Sunday School and the worship service. For those families with infants or toddlers who desire, a "quiet room" is available with “closed circuit” video feed of the worship service
Our Leadership
We practice Elder-leadership. Our church is led by a plurality of Elders and assisted by a board of Deacons.
Our Fellowship
We believe that Christian fellowship, centered upon God's word, is a critical aspect of a vibrant, healthy church body.
We have designated the first Sunday of each month to observe the ordinance of Communion during the worship service.
Our Teaching Ministries
We have various fellowship groups which meet for study on Friday nights that study a variety of subjects.
Our Sunday school classes meet at 9:45 a.m. We may be covering different subjects or a single subject. Our classes range from scriptural studies, to church history, to various reformed books. The class is typically given study questions each week, depending on the subject, from which we gather and discuss during Sunday school. Our study questions involve detailed word studies, answering interpretive questions and an application of the week's text.